A picture of the reluctant birthday boy!
Dear Fionn, Ahh. The yearly birthday letter. Today, an auspicious birthday, you enter a new decade, your twenties, leaving your teens behind. You have been enroute to be a great man from the day you were born, of course. This is our year of the decades. Your dad turned 70 in January, you 20 today and I will be 60 this November. Where does the time go? And what have we done with it? I try to use it wisely, but I know I sometimes do too much and other times, perhaps not enough. Balance is a tricky business. But please remember, you are in charge of you. No one else. I don’t think I will miss the teenage years as much as I do the “little boy” years. My heart still aches for the days of your baby smiles and giggles, your stunning sweet cherub face, the times you wouldn’t let me out of your sight. The hugs, the kisses. The complete trust. Sometimes I wish I could relive them over and over, they were so beautiful. Sometimes my eyes water when I think of them, not so much because of loss, but because there were so special, so precious. So, so precious. Of course, you still are precious. And always will be. Today, though, I have something new to look forward to, and that’s getting to know the adult you. Know that your father and I have always tried to do our best by you, and for you. Not spoiling you too, too much. Not being too, too hard on you. Did we reach that “just right” spot? Only time will tell. Time. The hourglass of life. I hope it allows us all to celebrate the next year of the decades together. I love you so. I so love you. Now and forever. Happy Birthday!
Love, Mom |

How to handle downsizing—or not!
Let’s talk about every baby boomer's dream—or nightmare: downsizing. Statistics Canada predicts nearly one in four Canadians will over 65 by 2031. Think about it, people! That’s a scary number. And if you’re reading this, you may already be there! I always knew 1819...
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Why I write
What better way to get over writer's block than writing about why I write? I never believed in writer's block, and I'm not sure I do now, but I feel like there’s something annoyingly poking me in the shoulder and saying, “Start thinking about it, bud.” Normally, I...
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The birth of a new book: Except for X
I love the creative process! I never set out to write a book about seahorses, never mind one for children. I started sewing tiny replicas of these mesmerizing creatures to complement my stable of little fabric art decorations. I had hearts, stars, moons, and clouds. I...
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All Dolled Up: Fitting name for new clothing store on Dalhousie Street
Whimsy is the order of the day It was the dress in the window with the red hearts that caught my eye. A neon light blazing my name with an arrow pointing to the door couldn’t have done a better job. This was a store for me! It did not disappoint. I felt like I was...
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And so…
My lovely husband, Douglas McKercher, wished me well as I galloped off on my yearly week-long writing get-away. To show my appreciation for his constant support, and for putting up with sparkles and barn board, both of which he hates and I love, I wrote him this poem....
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I will not let you take my mother
The chairs shouted quietly at me as I stepped off the elevator onto the 11th floor of my mother’s assisted-living residence. Sickness is here. And it is serious. The chairs, folding ones with padded seats, stood on guard outside three of 16 apartment doorways in the...
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My precious mother, deterioration and writer’s block
I’m not sure I believe in writer’s block. But I am thinking I might have it and so I am going to write to get rid of it. What’s the hold-up? Well for sure the stress of seeing my mother--who will be 91 tomorrow--go downhill is on my mind....
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Interested in equity co-ops?
It's done. The decision results from several stars and planets aligning but I blame the tipping point on two things. One: a recent essay in the Globe and Mail by Doug Tindal, “As my friends and I grow older, we’re setting our sights on communal living....
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Starting over. Again!
I forgot how hard it is to start a new job. You know nothing about, well, pretty much anything, while everyone else whizzes and zings happily along. You feel totally inept (well, I do) and have to ask questions like, “How do I dial out of the...
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Rainbow Warriors
Guts. You gotta admire guts. That’s what I was thinking as I wandered through yesterday's Capital Pride Parade on Bank Street. It was my first Capital Pride Parade and it won’t be my last. I’ll be making a point of attending each year from now on to show my support...
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How to handle downsizing—or not!
Let’s talk about every baby boomer's dream—or nightmare: downsizing. Statistics Canada predicts nearly one in four Canadians will over 65 by 2031. Think about it, people! That’s a scary number. And if you’re reading this, you may already be there! I always knew 1819...

Why I write
What better way to get over writer's block than writing about why I write? I never believed in writer's block, and I'm not sure I do now, but I feel like there’s something annoyingly poking me in the shoulder and saying, “Start thinking about it, bud.” Normally, I...

The birth of a new book: Except for X
I love the creative process! I never set out to write a book about seahorses, never mind one for children. I started sewing tiny replicas of these mesmerizing creatures to complement my stable of little fabric art decorations. I had hearts, stars, moons, and clouds. I...

All Dolled Up: Fitting name for new clothing store on Dalhousie Street
Whimsy is the order of the day It was the dress in the window with the red hearts that caught my eye. A neon light blazing my name with an arrow pointing to the door couldn’t have done a better job. This was a store for me! It did not disappoint. I felt like I was...

And so…
My lovely husband, Douglas McKercher, wished me well as I galloped off on my yearly week-long writing get-away. To show my appreciation for his constant support, and for putting up with sparkles and barn board, both of which he hates and I love, I wrote him this poem....

I will not let you take my mother
The chairs shouted quietly at me as I stepped off the elevator onto the 11th floor of my mother’s assisted-living residence. Sickness is here. And it is serious. The chairs, folding ones with padded seats, stood on guard outside three of 16 apartment doorways in the...

My precious mother, deterioration and writer’s block
I’m not sure I believe in writer’s block. But I am thinking I might have it and so I am going to write to get rid of it. What’s the hold-up? Well for sure the stress of seeing my mother--who will be 91 tomorrow--go downhill is on my mind....

Interested in equity co-ops?
It's done. The decision results from several stars and planets aligning but I blame the tipping point on two things. One: a recent essay in the Globe and Mail by Doug Tindal, “As my friends and I grow older, we’re setting our sights on communal living....

Starting over. Again!
I forgot how hard it is to start a new job. You know nothing about, well, pretty much anything, while everyone else whizzes and zings happily along. You feel totally inept (well, I do) and have to ask questions like, “How do I dial out of the...

Rainbow Warriors
Guts. You gotta admire guts. That’s what I was thinking as I wandered through yesterday's Capital Pride Parade on Bank Street. It was my first Capital Pride Parade and it won’t be my last. I’ll be making a point of attending each year from now on to show my support...