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The birth of a new book: Except for X

The birth of a new book: Except for X

I love the creative process! I never set out to write a book about seahorses, never mind one for children. I started sewing tiny replicas of these mesmerizing creatures to complement my stable of little fabric art decorations. I had hearts, stars, moons, and clouds. I...

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The End of the Teenage Years!

The End of the Teenage Years!

A picture of the reluctant birthday boy!   Dear Fionn, Ahh. The yearly birthday letter. Today, an auspicious birthday, you enter a new decade, your twenties, leaving your teens behind. You have been enroute to be a great man from the day you were born, of course....

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About Erin

Erin is a writer and fabric artist living in Ottawa, Ontario. She has been writing for a very long time and is the author of three books.

Read Erin’s full bio.

Upcoming events

About Erin

Erin is a writer and fabric artist living in Ottawa, Ontario. She has been writing for a very long time and is the author of three books.

Read Erin’s full bio.


A children’s educational book about seahorses.

The history of the Canadian Dairy Commission, a federal crown corporation.

An anthology of family lore and history.

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