613.260.3256 [email protected]
Be afraid! The dangers of doing nothing

Be afraid! The dangers of doing nothing

That was interesting. I made an unplanned trip to Starbucks at lunch the other day. I didn't have my phone, a newspaper, book or magazine, or a pen and piece of paper. There was nothing to do but sit there while I sipped my latte and nibbled on a blueberry bar. I...

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How alcohol helped my marriage

How alcohol helped my marriage

I’ve written about how Doug and I met previously, but not on my blog. So what better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with that story? I fell in love with Douglas McKercher’s face as soon as my Chardonnay-soaked eyes locked onto it. Irene’s Pub, Bank Street,...

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What do you think? Did I get my $50 back?

What do you think? Did I get my $50 back?

I had a nice thing happen to me on Christmas Eve. I was sitting in the drugstore close to 4 p.m. waiting to get a flu shot. It wasn’t going to be a long wait but I happily grabbed a magazine and settled in a chair. No hurry. Everything in hand for Christmas. Time to...

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About Erin

Erin is a writer and fabric artist living in Ottawa, Ontario. She has been writing for a very long time and is the author of three books.

Read Erin’s full bio.

Upcoming events

About Erin

Erin is a writer and fabric artist living in Ottawa, Ontario. She has been writing for a very long time and is the author of three books.

Read Erin’s full bio.


A children’s educational book about seahorses.

The history of the Canadian Dairy Commission, a federal crown corporation.

An anthology of family lore and history.

Get in touch.

11 + 11 =